ΣΑΣ ΒΟΗΘΑΜΕ ΝΑ ΚΑΤΑΝΟΗΣΕΤΕ ΤΟ ΠΡΟΒΛΗΜΑ Εσείς έχετε την λύση Σχετικά με εμάς Οι υπηρεσίες μας happiness does not come to you You Have To Create Happiness Some issues are not only about the disease of the patient, they are more complicated and bring external factors that affect the psychology of the patient (stress, family pressure, work, ...) we always understand that.
about us our services
If you need a friend to talk to Medcaline Will Be That Friend Some issues are not only about the disease of the patient, they are more complicated and bring external factors that affect the psychology of the patient (stress, family pressure, work, ...) we always understand that.
about us our services
If you need a friend to talk to Medcaline Will Be That Friend Some issues are not only about the disease of the patient, they are more complicated and bring external factors that affect the psychology of the patient (stress, family pressure, work, ...) we always understand that.
about us our services

Συμβουλευτική μέσω Διαδικτύου

Αναλαμβάνουμε συνεδρίες Συμβουλευτικής Υποστήριξης κατόπιν ειδικών Συνθηκών και έπειτα από προσωπική δια ζώσης συνεδρία στο χώρο μας. Επιπρόσθετα μπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας μέσω Facebook και Instagram για άμεση ανταπόκριση.

Συνεδρίες Συμβουλευτικής και Ψυχοθεραπείας Δια ζώσης

Ψυχολογική εκτίμηση, Ψυχολογική Θεραπεία, Συμβουλευτική. Η μέθοδος που ακολουθούμε στην ΕΨΥΘΕ είναι το Πλουραλιστικό Μοντέλο Σύνθεσης που βασίζεται στη Γνωσιακή , Ψυχοδυναμική και Συστημική Ψυχοθεραπεία. Κατόπιν ειδικής συνεννόησης διεξάγονται συνεδρίες Κλινικής Υπνοθεραπείας.

Οι Υπηρεσίες μας

Στόχος μας είναι να παρέχουμε στους πελάτες την καλύτερη εξυπηρέτηση, για να βοηθήσουμε τους πελάτες να ξεπεράσουν τα εμπόδια τους είναι ένα ευγενικό καθήκον.



why choose us

We Always Ready For A Challenge

Our goal is to help our customers be satisfied and solve problems when leaving, we are not seeking profits that we want to share, sympathize, help you solve your worries and troubles. This sleek metallic tower stands out from surrounding buildings, and is set to transform.


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Η ομάδα μας

Πιστεύουμε ότι είναι πολύ σημαντικό οι ψυχολόγοι μας να έχουν ένα μείγμα επαγγελματικών δεξιοτήτων και ανθρώπινων ιδιοτήτων.

Our Case Studies

Typical Story

Here are some typical stories that we have helped them

Popular Question

We have answers to common questions people ask

First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.

First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.
First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.
First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.
First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.

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Each one of us wants someone to talk to, we will listen to you with all our heart

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How to Cope with Coronavirus-Caused Mental Health Concerns

Today, it feels like everything has changed—it’s either been closed, postponed, or canceled. Some states have officially shut down. You’re working.

Is It Important to Say “Please” and “Thank You” to Your Partner?

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10 Quarantine Activities That Don’t Involve Watching the News

Captain’s Log. Day eight of quarantine. Work has been busy; I’m grateful for the technology we have to collaborate and continue.